Our Commitment to Inclusion and Belonging

The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington and the Jewish Community Foundation’s Commitment to Inclusion and Belonging

“It is not your responsibility to finish the work of perfecting the world, but neither are you free to desist from it.”

– Pirkei Avot 2:21

Embedded in our vision for our community and our core values is a commitment to inclusion and belonging, united by our responsibility for our collective future and strengthened by our diversity. This work is guided by our Jewish values:

  • B’tzelem Elohim – The dignity of all human beings, that all people are created in God’s image, and that all humans are unique, equal and have infinite value.
  • Tikkun Olam – That we must be a positive force in repairing what is broken and continuing to break in the world.
  • Anavah – That we must approach our work with humility and recognition that our understanding of the world is framed and in turn, biased, by our individual experiences.

The Jewish Federation and Jewish Community Foundation proudly serve a large and diverse Jewish community across DC, MD, and Northern VA. Our Jewish community is varied in religious observance, political views, socioeconomic backgrounds, and identities, embracing a wide range of opinions and traditions. We are committed to ensuring that all community members feel that they belong and can fully participate in Jewish life as their most authentic selves. The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington and its Jewish Community Foundation are actively engaged in advancing inclusion and belonging within our organization and within the Jewish community.

We also recognize that ongoing forms of hatred and bias continue to prevent many in our society from fully participating in and creating a vibrant collective future. We draw strength from our Jewish and the broader community’s diversity across ability, race, ethnicity, gender and other differences. With this recognition, our Jewish community must take responsibility for our learning, examine and acknowledge our own biases, listen and ask more questions, and determine how best to partner and ally with others.

As we build the world we aspire to for future generations, we are committed to:

  • Using our voices and actions to combat antisemitism and its impact on individuals and society.
  • Connect and support individuals and organizations that are engaged in advancing inclusion, fostering belonging, and working to extinguish expressions of antisemitism, racism, and all forms of discrimination and hate, no matter the source.
  • Continue to evolve our learning and practice to deepen our humanity and cultural competency including understanding how our own actions — and inactions — enable racism, antisemitism, prejudice, and hatred to be sustained in our community and society.
  • Together, and by prioritizing this essential work, we continue to pursue our vision of an open, connected, and vibrant Jewish community that cares for each other, fosters Jewish learning and journeys, embraces Jewish peoplehood and Israel, and acts as a force for good in the world.

Learn More about The Jewish Federation and Jewish Community Foundation work to advance inclusion and belonging: