News & Updates

Federation Speaks Out Against Hate


A message from Steven A. Rakitt and Robert Zahler It has been a month since Election Day. While we recognize that intense discussions are part of our country’s democratic process, we

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Maryland Hillel and Ethiopian Jewish community Imagine Israel

Maryland Hillel and Ethiopian Jewish community Imagine Israel


Funded by an Imagine Israel grant, The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington joined the University of Maryland (UMD) Hillel to commemorate the Ethiopian Jewish holiday, Sigd. On December 1, Maryland

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Expert Tips For Making Your Workplace Less Stressful

Expert Tips For Making Your Workplace Less Stressful


Creating an inclusive workplace where everyone feels welcomed and can be their authentic selves is important for the well-being of workers. According to the American Institute of Stress, “job stress

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Federation’s Teen Philanthropy Fuels Next Generation of Givers

Federation’s Teen Philanthropy Fuels Next Generation of Givers


Federation’s Jteen Philanthropy program is featured in online publication, Sentinel. Jewish teen Philanthropy (Jteen) is a leadership program where a group of 38 teenagers from the Greater Washington area collaborate,

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Between Us: Let’s talk about the power of words


Parashat Toldot contains the famous story of the twins Jacob and Esau, and how Jacob, with his mother’s help, tricks their father Isaac into giving him the blessing reserved for

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Between Us: Let’s talk about a Happy Thanksgiving!


Although it is called Chayei Sarah (“the life of Sarah”), this week’s parasha is actually about her death, the acquisition of a burial site for her by Abraham and his

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Between Us: Let’s talk about the sound of silence


This week’s parasha, Vayeira, is filled with action, dialogue, suspense and, most intriguing of all, silence. One of the most famous scenes of the Torah – the Akedah, or the Binding

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Popular DC Magazine features our debut Change Maker


Metro Weekly, the popular LGBT publication in DC covers Federation’s inaugural Meet the Change Makers, a program of Imagine Israel. “That newly launched speaking series, “Meet the Change Makers,” is part

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Between Us: Let’s talk about holding on to hope


This week’s parasha, Lech Lecha, begins, “And God said to Abram: Lech lecha, Go forth from your native land and your father’s house to the land that I will show

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Meet Sarah, an Israel Engagement Fellow

Meet Sarah, an Israel Engagement Fellow


The Margo & Yoram Cohen Family Israel Engagement Fellowship teaches teen leaders to explore their relationships with Israel in a meaningful way. Fellows learn about the importance of the State

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