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Between Us: Let’s talk about bringing light to the darkness


When they were younger, my kids asked that I leave a light on in the hallway so they could “sleep better.” Darkness for children – and for many adults – can

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Between Us: Let’s talk about who’s in charge


This week’s Torah portion is Va’eira, the second parsha in the Book of Exodus, and contains the famous Ten Plagues. Last week, Pharaoh mocked Moses when he insisted that the Israelites

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Between Us: Let’s talk about accepting our fate


This week’s parasha is entitled, Va-yechi, “and Jacob lived.” But this last portion of the Book of Genesis is really about how Jacob died. He does so with dignity, preparation, humility and

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Between Us: Let’s talk about being open to change


Oh, the drama!  In this week’s parasha – Vayigash – Joseph is reunited with his brothers after many years apart.  He reveals himself after initially tricking them into believing that

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Between Us: Let’s talk about…what’s in a name


This week’s parasha, Miketz, contains Pharaoh’s famous dream of seven fat cows and seven lean cows, which Joseph interprets before he is subsequently appointed Egypt’s Prime Minister. Later in the parasha,

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Imagine Israel Podcast #2: In Israel, religious pluralism is like a pizza


Chaya Gilboa, visionary activist on the issue of Israeli religious reform, shares her desire for social change in Israel. In a country where politics are religious and religion is political, Chaya

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Between Us: Let’s talk about….lighting the darkness


This week’s Torah portion – Vayeshev – begins with a brief sentence: “Jacob dwelt in the land of his father’s sojournings, the land of Canaan.” Commentators note the intimation that Jacob

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Between Us: Let’s talk about dealing with it


In this week’s parasha, Vayishlach, the famous wrestling match between Jacob and the mysterious stranger is among the more curious portions of the Torah. As Jacob prepared to meet his estranged

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Young Leadership Spotlight: Marisa Ezrine – our new YL Director


What are you most excited about in your new role as the Young Leadership Director? I am most excited about getting to know all of the wonderful members of the

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The Biblical Roots of Ethiopian Blessed Bread

The Biblical Roots of Ethiopian Blessed Bread


Israeli women from the Ethiopian Jewish community pray during the Sigd holiday. The Ethiopian-Jewish community marks Sigd, a holiday of self-examination with prayers and fasting, broken with a ceremonial challah-style

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