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Between Us: Let’s talk about kvetching


In this week’s parasha, Beha’alotecha, the Israelites—after being in the wilderness for what seems like an eternity—are hungry, thirsty and uncertain about whether they will ever reach the Promised Land.

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Between Us: Let’s talk about humility


This week’s portion, the first in the Book of Numbers, is called Bamidbar. The English title of this book comes from the census taken of the Israelites as commanded to Moses

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Between Us: Let’s talk about being ready


This week’s double parasha, Behar-Bechukotai, finishes up the Book of Leviticus. We are told repeatedly of the choice between following God’s commandments and disobeying. With the former, we will live well;

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Between Us: Let’s talk about heroes


More than 175 years ago, Scottish-born philosopher Thomas Carlyle published “Heroes and Hero Worship,” a set of lectures he gave in 1840, arguing that individuals, not history per se, are

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Between Us: Let’s talk about humility


“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.” – C.S. Lewis This week’s parasha, Tetzaveh, is distinguished not by what it contains, but rather,

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Standing strong as a united community: a message from The Jewish Federation


“When the world is divided, let us do the opposite thing and show that we are united.” – Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks In the wake of anti-Semitic acts across the

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Between Us: Let’s talk about the stranger among us


This week’s parasha, Mishpatim, begins with ve’eleh hamishpatim (AND these are the rules). In last week’s Torah portion, the Children of Israel received The Ten Commandments, the first of the laws

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Between Us: Let’s talk about tomorrow


This week’s parasha is Yitro, named after Moses’ father-in-law (one of only six Torah portions named after a central character). The portion contains powerful Cecil B. DeMille-like imagery, including thunder,

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How To Build A More Inclusive Jewish Community

How To Build A More Inclusive Jewish Community


This article was originally published in The Forward. By Lisa Handelman, Federation’s Community Disability Inclusion Specialist Judaism values inclusion. Yet, according to a study conducted in 2013 by RespectAbilityUSA and

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Strengthening the Collective Us: Celebrating JDAIM

Strengthening the Collective Us: Celebrating JDAIM


  This article was originally published in eJewish Philanthropy. By Lisa Handelman, Federation’s Community Disability Inclusion Specialist This February marks the 9th annual Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month (JDAIM).

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