News & Updates

Israel Update, Tensions Rise with Iran, Hostage Rally. It’s Friday.

It’s Friday, and I have a new format for sharing my takeaways from this week. One highlight for me was seeing the eclipse — did you? It really was spectacular. Read more

“Hope without Boundaries:” Our Partnership with Sheba Medical Center in Israel

On April 3rd, Federation was proud to welcome Professor Itzik Kreiss, Director General of Sheba Medical Center, to Washington DC to speak to us about our ongoing partnership in Israel. Read more

Exploring Jewish Communities in Latin America

Hello from Argentina and Uruguay. This week, I have been traveling with 30 incredible women from our local community as part of Federation’s Women’s Philanthropy mission to this beautiful and Read more

Six Months Later: Our Resolve, Solidarity & Impact in Israel

On April 7th, it will be six months since we all woke up that Saturday morning to the horrors of Hamas’ brutal and unimaginable terrorist attack on Israel. Our Jewish Read more

Embracing the Spirit of Purim

Last week, I reached out to you for suggestions on how Federation and the Jewish community could navigate the uncertain path ahead. Thank you so much to the many people Read more
Your Impact: Connecting Israelis with Mental Health Professionals

Your Impact: Connecting Israelis with Mental Health Professionals

The sharp rise in the need for trauma services quickly overwhelmed the Israeli mental health system after October 7th. Support from Greater Washington is directly expanding services to help those Read more

Navigating Uncertainty: Reflecting on the Future of American Jewry

A recent article by Franklin Foer in The Atlantic raised important questions about the future of American Jewry and American democracy. Foer asks about the evolving landscape of American Jewish Read more

Your Impact: Creating a Wave of Hope for Israelis

The sharp rise in the need for trauma services quickly overwhelmed the Israeli mental health system after October 7th. Support from Greater Washington is directly expanding services to help those Read more

Supporting Israeli Women

Content Warning: This week's reflection contains references to the sexual assault and violence that took place during Hamas' attack on Israel in October 2023, which some may find distressing. Today, we Read more

Introducing JShield, the Security Division of Federation

When I think about the strength and resiliency of our community, I focus on those times when we connect and the spaces that allow us to do so. Moments of Read more