Message from Gil

Weekly Reflection – November 22, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

Weekly Reflection – November 22, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the many ways you have helped guide our community and our organization this year. Read more
A New Approach to Communal Progress

A New Approach to Communal Progress

This week, I dove into the topic of Jewish engagement while also being highly engaged myself. For three days, I joined hundreds of Jewish professionals for the first-ever FedLab conference, put on by The Jewish Federations of Read more
Weekly Reflection – November 8, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

Weekly Reflection – November 8, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

I believe that whatever the Jewish future may look like, it is going to be shaped by those with a passion for Jewish community. It is no coincidence that some Read more
Strengthening a Global Jewish Community in a Changing World

Strengthening a Global Jewish Community in a Changing World

Last week, I had the opportunity to attend The Jewish Agency for Israel’s Board of Governors meeting. During our time together, we discussed the many ways the organization is evolving Read more
Weekly Reflection – October 25, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

Weekly Reflection – October 25, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

Nearly one year ago, 11 innocent people were murdered at the Tree of Life building in Pittsburgh. As we approach this solemn day, The Jewish Federation and the JCRC remain Read more
Community and Collective Memory

Community and Collective Memory

On October 27, we will mark one year since the horrifying attack on the congregations at the Tree of Life building in Pittsburgh. It is a moment that will live Read more
Weekly Reflection – October 4, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

Weekly Reflection – October 4, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

I want to take this opportunity to say G'mar Chatima Tova (may you be inscribed in the book of life) and share with you what I wrote in this week’s Federation 5: Including Read more
Weekly Reflection – September 27, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

Weekly Reflection – September 27, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

Our community can be pretty self-critical. We like to talk about all the things we could be doing better or differently and hash out all the ways we could be Read more
The Future is Ours to Create

The Future is Ours to Create

In a few weeks, soon after we welcome the Jewish New Year, we will scroll to the very beginning of the Torah and read about the story of creation. We Read more
Weekly Reflection – September 13, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

Weekly Reflection – September 13, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

In a few days, Israelis will go to the polls to vote in the country’s second general election in just six months. Many of us—across all generations—care deeply about the Read more