Wisdom & Reflections for a Very Different New Year

August – September, 2020
The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington and the Washington Board of Rabbis are pleased to present Wisdom & Reflections for a Very Different New Year—29 days of learning guided by the diversity, warmth, and wisdom of our local rabbinic community.
Last year, we featured 29 rabbis throughout Maryland, DC, and Northern Virginia, to share their wisdom and reflections during the Hebrew month of Elul—the 29 days leading up to Rosh Hashanah.
Celebrate this meaningful transition to a New Year with a process of spiritual introspection, personal growth, and by deepening our connections with one another.
L’shanah Tovah! May we be inscribed in the Book of Life!
VIDEO: The Next Level of Creation
Rabbi Uri Topolosky
Immediate Past President, Washington Board of Rabbis
Rabbi Aaron Potek
Sixth & I
Rabbi Ilana Zietman
Rabbi Charles Arian
Kehilat Shalom
Rabbi Lia Bass
Jewish Institute for Lifelong Learning and Innovation
Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb
Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation
VIDEO: Returning to our Yetzer
Rabbi Sarah Krinsky
Adas Israel Congregation
VIDEO: Acknowledge the Past and Hope for the Future
Rabbi Alison Kobey
Congregation Or Chadash
Rabbi Hyim Shafner
Kesher Israel: The Georgetown Synagogue
Rabbi David Kalender
Congregation Olam Tikvah
Rabbi Lauren Tuchman
VIDEO: The Torah of New Possibilities
Rabbi Gilah Langner
Shirat HaNefesh, Kol Ami Congregations
VIDEO: A reflection on the final verses of Psalm 27
Rabbi Saul Oresky
Mishkan Torah
“Never Give Up – Never Give In”
Rabbi Gerald Serotta
Retired (Founding Rabbi of Shirat HaNefesh)
VIDEO: Loving with our Two Inclinations
Rabbi Hannah Spiro
Hill Havurah
Rabbi Jeffrey Saxe
Temple Rodef Shalom
VIDEO: Be The Master of Your Changes: A Short Teaching for Rosh Hashanah
Rabbi Sarah Tasman
The Tasman Center for Jewish Creativity
VIDEO: God & Humanity: Searching for Each Other
Rabbi Neil Tow
Congregation B’nai Tzedek
The Coal Train and the Pocket Computer
Rabbi Devorah Lynn
Jewish Earth Alliance
Rabbi Adam Raskin
Congregation Har Shalom
VIDEO: Elul; A Time of Seeking
Michael Werbow
Tifereth Israel Congregation
Daniel I Braune-Friedman
Charles E. Smith Life Communities
Rachel Gartner
Georgetown University
VIDEO: Achat Sha’al’ti – One Thing I Ask
Rabbi Mark Novak
Minyan Oneg Shabbat
It’s Complicated: Our Relationship Status with God
Rabbi Mitchell Berkowitz
B’nai Israel Congregation
Rabbi Ben Berger
Hillel International
Rabbi Greg Harris
Congregation Beth El
VIDEO: Rabbi Diamondstein Discusses Communal Teshuva
Rabbi Noah Diamondstein
Temple Sinai

In a year unlike any other, our local synagogues and community organizations have come up with countless opportunities to enrich your High Holiday celebrations. Explore Federation’s High Holiday resources on Jconnect for new recipes, find tickets for High Holiday services (virtual and in-person) and try out family-friendly activities to engage the kids in meaningful rituals.